Cultura da sostibilidade e cooperación ao desenvolvemento en centros educativos de Galicia e República Dominicana
- Vargas Callejas, Germán
- Barba Núñez, María
- Díaz Balados, Alicia
ISSN: 1887-2417
Année de publication: 2015
Titre de la publication: III Congreso Lusófono de Educación Ambiental
Número: 20
Pages: 167-183
Type: Article
D'autres publications dans: AmbientalMente sustentable: Revista científica galego-lusófona de educación ambiental
The purpose of this communication is to present the nvestigation project “Culture of sostenibilidade and development cooperation: realities and educational perspectives in Galicia and Dominican Republic” (Announcement 2014 of Subsidies in investigation for the Development of the Direción Xeral de Relacións Exteriores da Xunta de Galicia), promoted by the Group of Investigation in Social Pedagogy and Environmental Education of the University of Santiago de Compostela with the ONGD InteRed Galicia. The aim of this investigation is to know and analyse the culture of the environmental sustainability and cooperation between students and professors of Galicia and Dominican Republic, procuring promote the intercultural dialogue, the sustainability and the global citizenship. To attain this aim, applies a methodology of qualitative investigation, based in three technicians: groups of discussion, analysis of the speech in books of text and analysis of iconographic representations. The originality of this project roots in that the work of investigation is accompanied with the internal training of the group of investigation, as well as training and intercultural dialogue between educational centres, looking for the social impact and applicability of the results from the initial phase of the investigation process.
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