Estado, mercado, academia… y comunidaduna cuádruple hélice para el desarrollo integral y la innovación

  1. Urra Canales, Miguel
Supervised by:
  1. Pedro José Cabrera Cabrera Director

Defence university: Universidad Pontificia Comillas

Fecha de defensa: 27 April 2018

  1. Carlos Giménez Romero Chair
  2. Carlos Ballesteros García Secretary
  3. Lorenzo Fernández Franco Committee member
  4. Manuel Gil Parejo Committee member
  5. Miguel Melendro Estefanía Committee member

Type: Thesis


The triple helix model developed by Etzkowitz and Leydesdorff offers undoubtedly interesting approaches to explain processes of economic and technological development, and to promote public policies that promote innovative activity. However, the triple helix does not cover another complex developmental processes, that exceed the uniqueness of the economic and technological areas. Therefore, this the sisaimsto highlight the progress made in the investigation of new models of development and give rise to the outline of a Quadruple Helix for integral development (Communitieson par with state, market and academia), which serves both to explain dynamics of development from a holistic perspective and to promote participatory and community public policies focused on sustainable development and social innovation.