O impacto da crise económica no campo da Educación Ambiental en Galiciaanálise comparada da situación profesional en 2007 e 2013
- Meira Cartea, Pablo A.
- Barba Núñez, María
- Lorenzo Castiñeiras, Juan José
ISSN: 1887-2417
Datum der Publikation: 2014
Titel der Ausgabe: Da formación á profesionalización na educación ambiental
Nummer: 17
Seiten: 25-50
Art: Artikel
Andere Publikationen in: AmbientalMente sustentable: Revista científica galego-lusófona de educación ambiental
The purpose of this article is to realize a based valuation of how there is affecting in the Environmental Education (EE) the deep social and economic crisis that is suffering the Galician community. For it a questionnaire was applied to a sample of 101 professionals who worked or they are employed at this field at the autonomous community of Galicia (Spain). The resultant information allows to compare his occupational situation in the beginning of the crisis, year 2007, with the one that they had at the beginning of 2013, in the moment to realize the survey that bases empirically the study. The theoretical perspective of analysis departs from the notion of social field proposed by Pierre Boudieu, considering the EE like a social field with hybrid properties of the environmental field and the educational field.
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