Evaluación del uso de las TIC en Educación para el Desarrollo. Obtención de indicadores de buenas prácticas mediante análisis factorial

  1. Gutiérrez García, Ángeles
  2. Rodríguez Bravo, Ana Eva
  3. Pantoja Zarza, Montserrat
RED: revista de educación a distancia

ISSN: 1578-7680

Datum der Publikation: 2014

Nummer: 41

Art: Artikel

Andere Publikationen in: RED: revista de educación a distancia


The Spanish society to the developing countries, funded by the Spanish Agency for International Cooperation for Development (AECID) and conducted by the NGO "Manos Unidas". This project has as its main objective the incorporation of ICT in Manos Unidas training programmes, as well as its information and awareness-raising campaigns about the reality of the developing countries. The campaigns of Manos Unidas aim to raise awareness about Third World problems and possible solutions. Such programmes and campaigns fall within what is known as "Education for Development". The Education for Development is a process to generate critical thinking that makes citizens to be responsible and active in the task of building a more just and caring society to help people in other parts of the world. This educational process (formal, non-formal and informal) aimed, through knowledge, attitudes and values, to promote global citizenship generating a culture of solidarity committed to fighting poverty and exclusion as well as promoting sustainable human development (Ortega, 2007). One of the requirements of the AECID in this agreement was the mid-term evaluation of the planned actions. This paper describes the process and the main results of the evaluation of the training provided for in the agreement and, though not a requirement, a list of indicators of quality of educational programs with ICT in Education for Development was also obtained and it is shown here.

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