La inmigración femenina en España

  1. Cárdenas-Rodríguez, Rocío
  2. Monreal-Gimeno, Carmen
  3. Pérez Pérez, Itahisa
Revista de humanidades

ISSN: 1130-5029

Any de publicació: 2008

Número: 15

Pàgines: 115-138

Tipus: Article

Altres publicacions en: Revista de humanidades


Economic changes ocurred during the globalization process has increased the differences among the earth�s countries; rich and poor countries. This situation along with communicating and technological advances which has approached different countries has enhanced the migratory processes of those who are seeking for better possibilities of life. Important changes are being made recently in the migratory chain for women are becoming increasingly important not only by starting this process but by becoming head of homes. The outstanding role of women in migratory processess takes us to consider the problems which this situation has to face. Appart from the fact of being a woman we have to consider she is an immigrant woman. Actually she has to be a reproductive worker, abandoned by women in the first world, which has entered the productive labour work with the low social corresponding consideration. It can become worse. When they are forced to prostitution. As a consequence, to enhance immigrat women�s integration and to avoid social exclusion, we have to take into account that social and labour integration must be achieved so that they can feel integrated in the countries where they live. Nevertheless we are conscious that this is a very complex process when immigrant women have to abandoned a patriarchal pattern at the time of getting economical independence which is impensable in their countries of origin.

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