Déficits en la intervención socioeducativa con familias de adolescentes en riesgo de exclusión
Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia
ISSN: 0210-5934, 2340-6577
Année de publication: 2017
Volumen: 69
Número: 1
Pages: 123-138
Type: Article
D'autres publications dans: Bordón: Revista de pedagogía
INTRODUCTION. From the international investigation’s approaches, one of the main challenges in socio-educational intervention with adolescents atrisk is related to the difficulties regarding the intervention with their families. This is a main subject addressed in the study about effecti-ve socio-educational intervention strategies with adolescents at risk of exclusion. It recognises the family as an essential part of the understanding of the problem as much as its solution. METHOD. The study was quantitative and qualitativeand was carried out from the investiga-tion-action and grounded theory approaches. A total of 123 professionals of socio-educational intervention from three Spanish Autonomous Communities (Madrid, Galicia, and Catalonia) took part on the study. They answered a semi-structured test done ad hoc for the research and took part in 13 discussion groups. RESULTS. According to the tests, the intervention with the adolescents’ families appears as one of the worse valued intervention fields and the main of the six identified obstacles when working with adolescents atrisk. The study also shows a very low index of family collaboration and participation in the intervention. It is proved, as well, how the adolescents with high scores in family confidence and communication have also high scores in participation, social relationships and performance in educational activities. The information from the discussion groups confirms these statements and provides alternatives for a more adequate intervention with the family. DISCUSSION. A fragmented and uncoordinated family intervention by the social services produces multi-wrongly-assisted families. It also increases the family games with the professionals and limits the intervention’s possibilities of success. The proposal to face this is an intervention that is comprehensive, coordinated, flexible, systemic and suited to the different families.
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