Ética y brecha digital como un problema educativo en un programa de formación de posgrado para educadores. Estudio evaluativo
ISSN: 1695-288X
Año de publicación: 2012
Volumen: 11
Número: 1
Páginas: 75-81
Tipo: Artículo
Otras publicaciones en: RELATEC: Revista Latinoamericana de Tecnología Educativa
The objective of this ethnographic and evaluative study is to understand the ethical perspective of secondary teachers participating in a educational technology Postgraduate on Educational use of internet and its own perspective on the information society and media. Our framework is part of the current on ethics education for students in science and engineering and the ethics of instructional technology and issues and coping strategies experienced by professional technologists. Our key questions concern the role of digital culture in the lives of teachers, the digital literacy among its students, the place given to digital literacy as practitioners, and openness to work collaboratively with other teachers and students. The methodology used was narrative biographical research techniques, and ethnographic evidencebased through portfolios and forum. Among the results was showed discrepancies between personal appropriation of the net, tolerance to their students and resistance to change. Among the conclusions drawn that to adopt a ethical perspective was contentious as secondary education, particularly in publicly funded schools with their rates of failure and multiculturalism experienced as fate.
Referencias bibliográficas
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