El ocio juvenil en la imágenes de la prensa:entre la teriotipia y la ambigüedad

  1. Castrechini Trotta, Angela
  2. Pestana, José V.
  3. Codina Mata, Núria
Pedagogía social: revista interuniversitaria

ISSN: 1139-1723

Year of publication: 2015

Issue Title: Jóvenes, ocio y educación en la sociedad red

Issue: 25

Pages: 91-118

Type: Article

More publications in: Pedagogía social: revista interuniversitaria


The young people leisure has been considered fundamental in the development of identity and the self. These processes are accompanied by social assessments of youth leisure activities; in particular, by written press� images. The presence and recurrence of images in the media, leads to the acceptance by public opinion, of a (partial, skewed) interpretation of reality. Based on these ideas, a content analysis of the images of youth leisure in press is made; specifically, identifying the represented persons by gender and age, and describing the promoted activities and the represented places- with the objective to value stereotypes concerning the youth leisure agenda. A sample of 211 news was obtained through the combination of the words �leisure� and �young� in the newspapers El País (n = 100), La Vanguardia (n = 60) and El Punt Avui (n = 51) published in 2012. The major trends (frequencies, percentages) of each variable are described and associations between variables with the considered newspapers are done (using the non-parametric Chi-square test), as well as between activities and the rest of variables related to people, places and times. The results offer a vision of youth leisure that is masculine, extended into adulthood and stand out parties - celebrations- on the streets during the day hours. This comes along with the ambiguity that emerges from images in which there is no one or it is difficult to identify what is done, when and where. This vision is sensitive, on the one hand, to its own media that diffuses the image and, on the other hand, to stereotypes about their activities promoted as leisure activities. In a broader sense, the findings point out how citizen�s opinion about the young people leisure is being influenced. This issue should be addressed directly through legislative, political, social or cultural measures.

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