Construcción de la comunicación alternativa y aumentativa en las aulas costarricenses

  1. Deliyore Vega, Rocío
Supervised by:
  1. Tiberio Feliz Murias Director

Defence university: UNED. Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia

Fecha de defensa: 30 November 2016

  1. Beatriz Malik Liévano Chair
  2. María del Carmen Ricoy Lorenzo Secretary
  3. Ángel Barbas Coslado Committee member

Type: Thesis


People with communication disorders associated with a disability present barriers that limit their fair acces to education and society. The reaserch starts with the intention of benefit social inclusion of people with disabilities that attend costarican educational centers, respecting the equal oportunities paradigma and encouraging the use of augmentative and alternative communication sistems. Teachers that participate in the reaserch must look for the correct tools in order to ofer this sistems to their students and eliminate the communication barriers that are imposed by the context. The main objective of this proyect is to develop an action reaserch en wich the teachers of Special Education Centerns in Costa Rica expose a problematic issue regarding the knowledge needs they may have about alternative and augmentative communication. When the problem is organiced and the diagnosed is established the reasercher suggests dissertations throug focal groups that attend the thoerical concepts that are needed. Subsequently each of the persons that participate must propose an acción that may respect their work context. This way they will be acting and reflexing along the focal groups with the intention that teachers may build an efective knowledge, show it in their practice and improve along the way the social inclusión of students with communication disorders in the school context.