Comparativa entre dos programas de actividad física con personas con Trastorno Mental GraveEl espacio como herramienta terapéutica

  1. Galán Casado, Diego 1
  2. Moraleda Ruano, Álvaro 1
  3. Cangas , Adolfo J.
  4. López-Pardo, Andres
  1. 1 Universidad Camilo José Cela

    Universidad Camilo José Cela

    Villanueva de la Cañada, España


Revista de estilos de aprendizaje = Journal of Learning Styles

ISSN: 2332-8533 1988-8996

Any de publicació: 2020

Títol de l'exemplar: Space as a facilitator of learning and attention to diversity

Volum: 13

Número: 25

Pàgines: 55-69

Tipus: Article

Altres publicacions en: Revista de estilos de aprendizaje = Journal of Learning Styles


This study describes two physical activity programs with people with Severe Mental Disorder: InclúyeteProgram and SportsameProgram. Then, with the comparative method, as a technique framed within qualitative research and comparative education, we analyze the similarities and differences of both in the use of space from the socio-educational framework.The main results obtained focus on four notable aspects. First, both programs use community spaces, not clinical resources, and develop aspects related to the therapeutic perspective.In the same way,both programs always adapt places to the needs of users, and combat stigma and self-stigma through events with standardized environments and active methodology.On the other hand, regardingthe differences between the two initiatives. In the InclúyeteProgram the earliest starting age, the participation of the university institution that uses spaces for the generation and dissemination of scientific knowledge, and a greater number of anti-stigma events in standardized environments. On the other hand, the SportsameProgram has an ethical code to favor respectful environments, and a greater involvement of users by the participation spaces.

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