Mejora de los programas de formación inicial docente a partir de la trayectoria personal, académica y profesional del alumnado
- Rodrigo Moriche, Mª Pilar 1
- Vasco González, Margarita 2
- Gil Pareja, David 3
- Pericacho Gómez, Javier 1
Universidad Autónoma de Madrid
- 2 Grupo TABA Grupo de investigación sobre inclusión social y derechos humanos
Universidad Alfonso X el Sabio
ISSN: 1575-0965
Year of publication: 2022
Issue Title: Metodologías docentes en momentos de cambio
Volume: 25
Issue: 2
Pages: 1-14
Type: Article
More publications in: Revista electrónica interuniversitaria de formación del profesorado: REIFOP
To improve initial teacher training programs and favora positive encounter between students and those who design and implement them, it is necessary to have up-to-date information on entry profiles. This article describes the students according to their life experiences, previous knowledge, professional development and learning goals to know opportunities, needs and improvement trends. From a qualitative orientation, 62 initial evaluation tasks were selected for first-year students of the General Didactics subject of the Master's degree in Primary Education at Universidad XXX from the 2014-15 to 2019-20 academic year. The documentary analysis was supported by the computer software Atlas ti 9 from which emerged, through the articulation of the grounded theory, a set of categories whose relationships and interpretations, results were obtained that evidenced, among others: high teaching vocation and ideas preconceived in training and professional interests oriented to educational change. As main conclusions, it is proposed to connect with training and professionalexperiences related to the educational field as precursory teaching elements; promote innovative, participatory and teamwork methodologies; and guide the theory to educational practice and teaching organization.
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