Espacio Mestizollenguatges artístics des de la comunitat amb menors en risc, als barris de Lleó

  1. Héctor Alonso Martínez
Educació social: Revista d'intervenció sòcioeducativa

ISSN: 1135-085X

Year of publication: 2012

Issue Title: L'educació en el lleure : cruïlla de camins

Issue: 50

Pages: 138-143

Type: Article


To work bonds and to educate trhough ongoing support in vital processes are key points in the work with people with negative bonds or with lack of bonds and positive references in their life. The relationship with the educator should be considered significant and binding, but with the added and classic problem of personal commitment and transference, and even the interference in private life. The educational stance of the Foundation in this sense is very clear: educational bonds with our adolscents must be created, sustained and developed.