La escuela pública madrileña desde la visión del liderazgo distribuidoun estudio descriptivo

  1. García Carreño, Ingrid del Valle 1
  1. 1 Universidad Pablo de Olavide

    Universidad Pablo de Olavide

    Sevilla, España


IJNE: International Journal of New Education

ISSN: 2605-1931

Year of publication: 2022

Issue: 10

Pages: 39-65

Type: Article

DOI: 10.24310/IJNE.10.2022.15117 DIALNET GOOGLE SCHOLAR lock_openDialnet editor

More publications in: IJNE: International Journal of New Education

Sustainable development goals


Introduction. The style of distributed leadership (DL) is one of the current solutions for management’s school leadership. The distributed methodological perspective is novel in the educational context. DL is an innovative style, key agent of dynamization, efficiency and improvement of schools is studied. Methodology. The main objective is to determine the perception that management teams have regarding in 71 Early Childhood and Primary Education Schools (ECPS) in Madrid, Spain. The sample was collected in the 2018-2019 academic year, made up of 136 subjects (20 men and 80 women). The approach is descriptive, through the application of an ad hoc scale, Likert, the perception of DL is based on the analysis of the dimensions: DL practices, mission, vision and shared goals, professional growth and shared decisions. The scientific rigor of the scale met the validity (Cronbach’s Alpha 0.86) and reliability Spearman’s Rho Correlation was 0.75. All findings were validated by triangulation. Results. The principals interacted with all the members of the school environment. The triangulation showed that the heads of study, distributed a large part of the time, in administrative procedures. The dimension practices of DL was the most active. It was found that the ECPSs were far from the old models of school management, where the management team was governed by a single person as leader. Conclusions. The exercise of school management in Madrid is a complex and difficult function, factors such as little institutional autonomy, specifically in decision-making and in the areas of human resources, added to the lack of training in school management. The importance of teamwork among managers and directors was evidenced, who fostered a distributed, democratic culture and the delegation of tasks in the members of the schools.

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