Fontes de stress em docentesestudo psicométrico sobre stress no estágio pedagógico
- Procópio, Leandra Fernandes 1
- Pereira, Anabela 2
- Procópio, Marcos 3
- 1 Universidade Federal de Goiás – Regional Catalão. Pedagoga (PUC-Goiás)
- 2 Universidade de Aveiro – Portugal
- 3 Universidade Federal de Goiás – Regional Catalão
ISSN: 2176-171X
Datum der Publikation: 2016
Titel der Ausgabe: Revista EDaPECI - Interdisciplinaridade e Educação
Ausgabe: 16
Nummer: 3
Seiten: 455-468
Art: Artikel
Andere Publikationen in: Revista EDaPECI
Due to the scarcity of instruments that evaluate the stress factors in teachers during the orientation and supervision of the training stage of teachers, the present work intends to present the psychometric data of the questionnaire of "Evaluation of stress of the teacher / instructor of pedagogic training (ASPOEP ). The version of this instrument, applied to supervisors / stage supervisors, 103 Portuguese and 101 Brazilian, contains 35 items that were subjected to factorial analysis of the exploratory type based on the varimax rotation main component analysis method Cutoff point was .40. The results indicate four major sources of stress: Stage Structure and Follow-up; Trainee Performance; Work Overload and Interpersonal Relationships. The indices of validity and internal consistency point to the psychometric adequacy of the Portuguese and Brazilian versions of the instrument with total alpha .93. It should also be noted that the Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin measure is .87 and the Bartlett sphericity test value was 3693,868; P = .000, which shows a good factorial adequacy of the instrument. We suggest that this instrument be further developed and applied in these and other populations, in particular for the verification of stress in teachers in the course of supervising practice.
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