Diseño y validación de instrumentos de evaluación de las competencias docentes

  1. Alcívar Cedeño, Andrea Katherine
  1. Mercedes Blanchard Giménez Zuzendaria
  2. Rosa María Esteban Moreno Zuzendaria

Defentsa unibertsitatea: Universidad Autónoma de Madrid

Fecha de defensa: 2024(e)ko ekaina-(a)k 25

Mota: Tesia


This thesis is carried out in the context of the Technical University of Manabí located in the province of Manabí in Ecuador, a public institution in which evaluations of teaching performance have been carried out since 2013, and which has been in constant reforms of regulations and instruments for this procedure, which need to prioritize the development of teacher competencies as an objective towards a permanent improvement of the teaching staff. Therefore, this research aims to design and validate instruments to evaluate the teaching staff of the Technical University of Manabí from the perspective of the actors involved and that allow the permanent improvement of the teaching staff. The methodological design was carried out: First, defining the ten teaching competencies that included the skills, abilities, attitudes, and behaviors the institution's faculty should possess based on the exhaustive literature analysis and reviewing institutional needs and challenges. Based on the competencies proposed, three instruments were designed to evaluate teaching performance by competencies from the perspective of students, faculty, and academic leaders. Subsequently, content validation is carried out through expert judgment, validity evidence is determined: reliability, construct validation, and empirical validation, for this, the instrument was piloted in a non-random intentional sample of 25 students with characteristics like the population to which the instruments are directed. The most important results are three instruments developed and validated to evaluate the teaching staff of the Technical University of Manabí. The three instruments were validated for their content, reliability. The discussion and conclusions obtained in this research point to the suitability of the instruments