La familia mixtainfluencia socioeducativa

  1. Musarra, Angelina
Supervised by:
  1. Florencio Vicente Castro Director
  2. Mercedes Gómez Acuñas Co-director

Defence university: Universidad de Extremadura

Fecha de defensa: 14 July 2017

  1. María Carmen Palmero Cámara Chair
  2. Jerónimo González Bernal Secretary
  3. Susana Sánchez Herrera Committee member

Type: Thesis


Mixed families, meaning those composed of an indigenous and a foreigner, are a sociocultural phenomenon that is being progressively expanding. Inside a mixed couple there are two individuals lined up who had internalised two different worlds and two different marriage concepts each one of them having his own definition of the reality. The research is aiming for the educational approach in bringing up the children; the relationship of a foreign partner with a hosting community; the relationship of the partners with their respective families of origin; the relationship of a foreign partner with a family of a spouse; the relationship of an Italian spouse with a family of a foreign partner, implemented by a semi-structured interview and due to support of Censimenti Istat and Municipal Registry Office, the evolution of these phenomena in Italy and in the city of Messina from 1994 till 2014 was reconstructed. These couples’ representation appears to be essentially positive: the differences are normally recognised and valued while the critical issues are being dealt with through the personal resources of the couple. Communication and linguistic boundaries are among the first to be dealt with by a mixed couple. As a matter of fact this represents one of the reasons for setting off a conflict. The approval of the families of origin and in part of the network of friends is among the major difficulties. For the families of origin of both the partners the endogamous choice is a phenomenon still considered with scepticism and suspicion unwinding over the years. Sharing of festivities and recurrences of both the cultures overrides in these couples. However the research of conciliation between the two cultures did not always happen and the level of identification with Italian culture had not been always ensured. In employment sphere bitterness and frustration of not having acknowledged one’s qualification and skills often arise, especially when there is even a degree given in a native country. When the offspring are born the couples get a more direct contact with an outside world. Various foreign spouses emphasise a far more permissive educational style in Italy, preferring a less permissive one. The idea of bringing up bilingual offsprings represents a giant potential for their future and an integration strategy, as it allows to convey two different cultures and provides major success in the society. As for religion the choice of leaving the offspring free to decide when he is grown enough had prevailed, as a matter of fact the religious diversity has not been among the reasons for conflicts in educational sphere. We are in front of the so called multicultural families, where both of the partners are identified by Italian culture that goes along with the identification of the foreigner with his own ethnic origin: this way he is able to value the hosting culture without denying his own. We are dealing with essentially satisfied couples , who managed to successfully negotiate the major part of the aspects connected to handling of family and conjugal life. The type of the interviewed families is of a cosmopolitan nature, where biculturale affiliation of the offsprings is considered as a personal enrichment and represents a challenge compared to widespread forms of racial intolerance in the name of love.