El proceso de profesionalizaciónla evaluación como espacio de construcción de conocimiento
- Rodríguez Marcos, Ana
- Medina Rivilla, Antonio María
ISSN: 0034-9461, 2174-0909
Argitalpen urtea: 1995
Alea: 53
Zenbakia: 202
Orrialdeak: 437-466
Mota: Artikulua
Beste argitalpen batzuk: Revista española de pedagogía
Taking as the starting-point the In-Service Teacher Education School-Based, this paper analyses collaboration as an objetive and strategie for implementing a climate and culture that foster the educational innovation in Primary Education Centres. The authors employ the instruments due to the participant observation to analyse the collaborative reconceptualization and reconstruction of the assessment practices of the pupils from a Colegio Rural Agrupado (CRA).