Las pautas de análisis cualitativo de la intervención: una herramienta para el autoanálisis, la supervisión y la formación de los profesionales en contextos sociales y educativos
- Paco López Jiménez
- Gisela Riberas Bargalló
- Óscar Martínez Rivera
ISSN: 2385-6203
Argitalpen urtea: 2016
Zenbakia: 3
Mota: Artikulua
Beste argitalpen batzuk: Revista del CIDUI: Congrés Internacional de Docència Universitària i Innovació
The paper analyzes the use of a supervision tool of professional practice in Bacherlor’s Degrees in Social Education and Social Work at Pere Tarrés Faculty (Ramon Llull University). The analysis includes the justification ofthe project in a frame of complexity and in a systemic perspective, the description of the tool, its contextualization, its use in the practicum and the evaluation of its application. The experience seems a useful proposal for the education of reflexive professionals.