El trabajo rítmico realizado a través de la músicauna herramienta para la rehabilitación de niños/as con dislalia funcional
- Ruiz Palomo, Mª Esther 1
- Lara Ortega, Fernando 1
Universidad de Burgos
ISSN: 1989-5240
Argitalpen urtea: 2015
Zenbakia: 12
Orrialdeak: 76-97
Mota: Artikulua
Beste argitalpen batzuk: Didácticas Específicas
In this work, it is shown the results obtained within two variables: Adaptation to an external rhythm and repetition of rhythmic structures, after implementing, as indirect intervention, a music programme specially designed to improve the functional basis of oral language, to an experimental group of subjects with functional difficulties of articulating the words. Those results have been extracted from a comprehensive research made according to a pre-test- rehabilitation- post-test design, in which for five months the experimental group received music lessons once a week, in addition to the direct intervention session with speech therapist. The control group doesn´t received music lessons and continued his usual speech therapy. The research touched on 7 variables; from those variables, we have selected the two mentioned above because they have a specific relevance on the dysfunctions treated. The results suggest that the rhythmic work through music has helped rehabilitate the difficulties presenting.
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